this theme is easy to manipulate to any kind of genre but it is always asking to register even if it has been.
Not bad, no bugs (Analytics is not working besides code is there.. let’s see…), but high price for features and comparing with others themes
Good theme. Grt thx for developers
Version 1.7.0 (December 15, 2024)
improved Make fa-twitter
an 𝕏 icon
removed WP Featherlight not a recommended plugin anymore
Version 1.6.11 (November 20, 2024)
improved Fix compatibility with WordPress 6.7’s Customizer
improved Updated Bootstrap to 4.6.2
Version 1.6.9 (September 4, 2024)
improved WPML compatibility for Proteus Widgets
Version 1.6.8 (October 4, 2023)
fixed main menu visibility in mobile
fixed social icon hover effect
Version 1.6.7 (September 19, 2022)
improved PHP 8 compatibility
Version 1.6.6 (May 19, 2022)
fixed error messages when installing required plugins
improved updated bundled plugin Essential Grid to v3.0.15
improved page layouts when sidebar is removed
improved customizer updates for improved PHP compatibility
Version 1.6.5 (September 19, 2020)
fixed display of titles on archive pages
Version 1.6.3 (October 11, 2018)
fixed get ACF plugin from repository for TGMPA
Version 1.6.2 (October 3, 2018)
improved theme updates "unauthorized" error caught early and explained in an admin notice
improved update ACF: Repeater fields plugin to 2.0 as the bundled plugin
fixed custom wp_kses changed to wp_kses_post in footer.php
fixed FontAwesome icon URL
fixed removing repeater field in PT widgets didn't trigger the widget save button
fixed add missing cookie consent checkbox for WordPress comments
fixed assign WooCommerce pages after OCDI import, if WooCommerce is active
Version 1.6.1 (March 6, 2018)
improved recommended slider image dimensions included as the inline documentation
improved "edit this page" link added to the Featured Page widget
fixed a bug between page builder (stretched row) and a slider without captions (PR)
Version 1.6.0 (February 13, 2018)
improved automatic theme updates
improved add support for WooCommerce 3.0 zoom
improved OCDI after import removed retina logo
Version 1.5.3 (October 18, 2017)
fixed license dates for theme registration
Version 1.5.2 (August 31, 2017)
improved theme registration and updates
fixed WooCommerce Chrome issue
Version 1.5.1 (July 19, 2017)
fixed WooCommerce 3.0 gallery support
fixed Visual Composer deprecated function
Version 1.5.0 (June 14, 2017)
added theme registration and automatic updates
removed latest news widget view (not needed in this theme)
improved security of the customizer frontend CSS output
fixed opening time widget issue with special characters for days of the week
fixed tabs widget style issue for page builder 2.5.x
fixed WPML footer texts not translatable by default
fixed post tiles widget not compatible with WPML
fixed sizes attributes
fixed button active color not respecting cutomizer color selection
Version 1.4.0 (March 8, 2017)
added theme custom CSS code migration to the native "Additional CSS" field, introduced in WP 4.7
improved updated Plates PHP templates version to 3.3.0
improved Structure Data
improved Update Font Awesome (to version 4.7)
Version 1.3.1 (November 25, 2016)
fixed Search form structure and bug in Safari
fixed Featured widget box bug in FireFox
Version 1.3.0 (November 7, 2016)
added iPad (touch devices) dropdown main menu support
fixed Featured page widget excerpt not showing
fixed Demo import now sets correct default shop breadcrumbs settings
Version 1.2.6 (September 21, 2016)
improved Color contrast.
Version 1.2.5 (August 18, 2016)
improved Added filter to remove future SiteOrigin ads
Version 1.2.4 (July 21, 2016)
improved added a ProteusThemes widgets tab in Page Builder.
improved Accordion widget now accepts HTML in the content field.
fixed Jumbotron arrows if there is no caption.
fixed Fixed Gallery columns not showing, when using default WP gallery type.
fixed PT icon substitution functions updated in PW widgets.
fixed Contact Form 7 number and date fields not styled
fixed Sticky menu shifts on boxed mode.
Version 1.2.3 (May 3, 2016)
improved now using One Click Demo Import plugin
improved Accordion, Pricing List and Testimonials widgets have sortable settings now.
fixed Default top logo margin set to 32px.
fixed Alternative sliders had blank space between the main menu and the slider.
fixed widget views are now overwritable in child themes.
fixed Person Profile widget now accepts HTML in description field
fixed Main navigation sub-menu 1px margin
Version 1.2.2 (March 7, 2016)
fixed glitch on product hover
fixed gallery Firefox bug fix
Version 1.2.1 (February 24, 2016)
fixed glitch in tabs style
fixed problems with z-index
fixed fatal error for older PHP versions in gallery.php
fixed loading of php files within theme/child theme
Version 1.2.0 (February 17, 2016)
added 2 custom gallery styles (optional)
added option for sticky menu
added customizer control for dark and light button background color.
added translation to Slovenian
fixed footer widget classes
fixed check for PHP version
fixed bug in WooCommerce for 768px screens
fixed fixed requiring of the ACF file, so that child themes can overwrite it.
fixed default logo position (is now correctly set to left)
Version 1.1.0 (February 1, 2016)
added support for Visual Composer
added translation to Italian
added translation to Dutch
added translation to Danish
added translation to Swedish
added translation to Spanish
added translation to Russian
added translation to German
added translation to Czech
added translation to Polish
added translation to French
added translation to Turkish
added translation to Portuguese
improved ensured 100% compatibility with WooCommerce 2.5
fixed Design and Icon Box for logo on the left.
fixed Post tiles bug on smaller screens on Firefox.
fixed More News button on mobile.
Version 1.0.0 (January 15, 2016)
added first release
Nigel MacDonald — (
Historie D’Ongels — (
Marion Schwarz — (
The Skin Spa — (
James Buschell — (
The Pedicure Lounge — (
Viart — (
Christine Beaute — (