
We make sure to design the perfect blend of aesthetics and functionality into each of our themes. Site visitors will always encounter a visually-appealing and simple-to-use website.

Our themes are all responsive and usable on every screen size, from mobile to desktop.

Free Stationery Design

Included with your theme are free Adobe Illustrator (.ai) files so you can use your design on business cards, envelopes, and on your company letterhead.


Choose over 12+ custom widgets and make your website in minutes. ConsultPress has it all, including contact-information and contact-request widgets.

Page Builder

Page Builder provides highly-intuitive grid-based customization. Whether you’re editing the home page, an about-us page, or a contact page, you can easily edit content and layout with the drag-and-drop interface.

An animation of moving blocks around in Page Builder

Live Customizer

The Live Customizer is for rapid color, layout and widget changes. You can see your changes on the website as you make them.

The customizer sidebar in action.

One-Click Demo Import

Import our demo content onto your website with the click of a button. Sometimes it helps to rebuild downwards from something rather than upwards from nothing.


Includes everything you need to create a fully-functional, user-friendly website.
We also tested our theme with popular plugins such as Revolution Slider, Layer Slider 5, and WPML.

Page Builder logo

A simple drag and drop interface so you’ll never need to touch a line of code.

CSS3 and HTML5 logos

Sass logo

Compatible but not bundled

LayerSlider 5 logo

Slider Revolution logo logo

High-quality Code

We place great importance on both compatibility and code quality, as well as the aesthetic appeal of the theme. Substance is no less important than style. Further, we devote special attention to ensuring your search ranking is what it should be.


We make security and feature updates regularly. Sleep easy. There’s no need to worry about website vulnerabilities.


Our expert support team is super responsive. From simple to complex issues — no matter your level of WordPress expertise — we are always here to help.


Every element of this theme has been pre-translated into 14 languages.















More Features

Some of these features may be obvious to more seasoned theme users. But for the sake of first-time theme buyers, they are definitely worth mentioning:

Unlimited Colors

Endless customization with unlimited color options.

Multiple Page Layouts

Mix and match from a selection of pre-made layouts.

Custom Widgets

Powerful widgets that add new functionality.

634+ Icons

Font icons are included to clearly signpost information on the site.

Responsive and Retina Ready

Responsive and able to display on all devices and resolutions.

SEO Optimized

Designed so everything’s clear to users — and to search engines, too.

Secure Code

We regularly make security updates and all of our code exceeds WordPress standards.

Video Tutorial

Guides you through the installation process.

I really love this design.

Gwen H.

Stranski menu se ob podstraneh proži brez da bi to želel.


Let us know what you think about our ConsultPress theme.

Version 2.1.1 (November 19, 2024)

improved Fix compatibility with WordPress 6.7’s Customizer

Version 2.1.0 (October 24, 2024)

improved Make fa-twitter an 𝕏 icon

Version 2.0.1 (October 14, 2024)

improved More robust against false theme_update transients

Version 2.0.0 (September 24, 2024)

improved Updated Bootstrap to 4.6.2

Class attribute value changes we made that you might have to do also:

  • Change pull-left and pull-right to float-left and float-right
  • Change col-xs-12 to col-12
  • Change col-{md,lg}-push-3 to order-{md,lg}-2 (and similar for other col-to-order changes)
  • Change hidden-lg-up to d-lg-none
  • Change navbar-toggleable-md to navbar-expand-md d-lg-block
  • Change push-lg-3 to order-lg-last
  • Change pull-lg-9 to order-lg-first
  • Change hidden-md-down to d-none d-lg-block

Sass variables that changed:

  • $brand-primary is now $primary
  • $brand-warning is now $warning
  • $brand-danger is now $danger
  • $brand-success is now $success
  • $gray-dark is now $dark
  • $gray-lighter is now $lighter
  • $font-family-sans-serif is now $font-family-base
  • $font-size-h[123456] are now $h[123456]-font-size

Version 1.6.3 (September 3, 2024)

improved WPML compatibility for Proteus Widgets

Version 1.6.2 (December 6, 2022)

fixed error messages when installing required plugins

improved PHP 8 compatibility

Version 1.6.1 (October 3, 2018)

improved recommended slider image dimensions included as the inline documentation

improved added edit page link to Featured page widget

improved theme updates "unauthorized" error caught early and explained in an admin notice

improved update ACF: Repeater fields plugin to 2.0 as the bundled plugin

fixed missing breadcrumbs on non-page pages (posts, categories,...)

fixed FontAwesome icon URL

fixed removing repeater field in PT widgets didn't trigger the widget save button

fixed add missing cookie consent checkbox for WordPress comments

Version 1.6.0 (February 13, 2018)

improved automatic theme updates

improved OCDI after import removed retina logo

fixed slider spacing

Version 1.5.0 (October 18, 2017)

improved change the minimal PHP version to 5.4

fixed header logo background on Firefox browsers on retina devices

fixed hide theme slider navigation container, if only one slider image is set

fixed theme slider stops working on vimeo video slide

fixed license dates for theme registration

Version 1.4.0 (July 11, 2017)

improved theme registration and updates

Version 1.3.3 (July 10, 2017)

fixed sizes attribute order

fixed featured page CTA button when 'None' is selected

Version 1.3.2 (April 5, 2017)

improved security of the customizer frontend CSS output

improved removed picturefill js library (for better assets performance)

fixed LifterLMS style

fixed remove die function from the PHP version check.

fixed featured page img/srcset sizes

fixed latest news img/srcset sizes

fixed slider video autoplay

fixed lifterlms errors in OCDI import

Version 1.3.1 (March 29, 2017)

fixed license expiration emails being sent

Version 1.3.0 (March 27, 2017)

added LifterLMS native support

fixed opening time widget issue with special characters for days of the week

fixed customizer logo top margin sanitize callback issue

fixed customizer footer layout control sanitize callback issue

fixed customizer custom JS code is stripping away script tags.

Version 1.2.1 (March 12, 2017)

fixed add sanitisation callback functions to add_setting() method calls

Version 1.2.0 (March 9, 2017)

added Caldera Forms support

Version 1.1.3 (March 3, 2017)

fixed small theme registration issue

Version 1.1.2 (March 2, 2017)

improved theme registration

improved update FontAwesome (to version 4.7)

Version 1.1.1 (February 7, 2017)

fixed Fix incompatibility with old EDD updater

Version 1.1.0 (February 7, 2017)

added option to link person profile image to an arbitrary link

added new theme registration with automatic theme updates

removed old automatic theme updates

improved rotate and change the order of slider controls - more intuitive, better UX

improved visibility of slider controls with slight gradient (mobile and desktop)

improved background gradient for carousel buttons on Person Profile widget

fixed remove non functional sidebars ACF control

Version 1.0.0 (January 9, 2017)

added first release

MeetchuM — (

Shai Waishbrod — (